In general many karate schools operate as they wish, holding no standard of ranking or lineage. The importance of lineage to a client about to embark on this path, should be of absolute importance. Simply put, you are about to invest thousands of dollars, a great amount of your time (which is irreplaceable), and your health and well-being in the hands of another person. A guide if you will, to help you become a better person. If this was a medical or financial matter, you would ask for some credentials, or at the minimum do a local check on the legitimacy of this person.
Fortunately and unfortunately, internet is both our friend and foe on this task. A friend, if you know where to look, and a foe if you only believe your eyes. If you love seeing and training with an instructor that leaps in the air for acrobatics, is in the movie business, and has a lot image, then you are probably looking at an empty shell. You will be guaranteed to receive your black belt in 3-4 years, or sooner. You will execute dynamic looking, fancy kicks. You may even do some acrobatics.
However, the black belt you receive from that instructor, is good only within those four walls that you trained in. Sooner or later, you will find yourself either in another school, that teaches the same art, but in a traditional manner, or worst, in a situation requiring not only physical, but mental prowess i.e. defending yourself (physically or otherwise). You will in either case find yourself overwhelmed, under-trained and your training is not worth the paper that your black belt is printed on.
That rank that you received was a waste of your money, time, and efforts. May be you can impress your friends in parties, but in real life, you have gained nothing of value.
Such is the case with over 90% of current martial arts studios. Their black belt ranks are meaningless, and useless. When training in West Hills Karate Academy, you will receive your black belt in three stages.
Stage 1: Probationary black belt. Shows that you are 85-95% technically able to perform at a level of black belt. But you require seasoning and time, to hone your skills and your inner strength. You receive your probationary rank from a nationally known instructor, who finds you to have the potential to be better. Your black belt is plain or in case of juniors, has a white line through it. Signifying that imperfections exist.
Stage 2: National black belt. Shows that you have made substantial improvement within yourself physically, mentally and spiritually. You are at a higher level than before, but still lack the perfection level that is required. Your instructor provides you with a new certificate. However, your belt loses its white stripe if it had one, or your name and your national school name will be embroidered in Japanese, if you are an adult student.
Stage 3: International black belt. You test with an original Japanese certified master instructor, going through his detailed training and examination, as he notices and scores every movement you make, with his keen eye for perfection. You receive a diploma that is hand inscribed with your name and rank in Japanese. The authentic, original award of rank. Your belt now has the international organization embroidered on it.
You look back at your achievement, and know that you invested your ever so precious resources correctly. Time, effort and money well spent. You go anywhere in the world, and can hold your own in any Japanese karate school. Your diploma is instantly recognized. Your efforts appreciated, and you are now part of fraternity/sorority, that is unique and special.
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