We are here for you!

The West Hills Karate Academy is based on principles of Respect, Humility, Discipline, Tenacity, and Honor as building blocks of a productive lifestyle. The mortars by which these principles are bound are Love, Passion, Perseverance, Tenacity and Courage. With this, I believe that a human being can lead a productive and fruitful life, that benefits himself, his family and his country. The questions that come next, are natural ones. Where do you develop these attributes, how do you refine them and nurture them. In a word, Karate-do.

The “do” (pronounced doe) arts of Japan, are designed to test the and teach the human body and psyche, to reach its higher potential. Indeed, it is after we have gone through certain hardships in life, that we learn about the better, stronger and more resilient parts of our beings. Whether physical, mental or spiritual, challenges, severe and at times life-threatening challenges, seems to polish the armor without, and the mettle within. However, in today’s modern society the very extreme is not possible, except under most adventurous or dangerous circumstances. Therefore, a tamer yet still challenging mechanism must be made available to bring us to our full potential. In a word, Karate-do.

In today’s McDonalds society, were fast everything is prevailing, and patience and hard work, has given way to the sense of entitlement and demanding spirit to the youth of today, where responsibility and citizenship has given way to the what’s-in-it-for-me attitude, with no end in sight. Where it is uncool, if you don’t have a tattoo or two, rings and piercing in every possible part of your body, or if you are person who actually reads a book, or studies – in such environment, where God is less and less appreciated and respected, and at times completely forgotten about, where does one find a sanctuary to support life-building, family values to save one’s self, and sanity? In a word, Karate-do.

It has become more and more acceptable to take the easy way out. To have others take care of the problem. To not to get involved, and to look the other way. Our schools are in shambles, the religious institutions who were once trusted with our youth, have abused them, and now hiding behind their so-called spirituality. There is a fight brewing amongst those who wish to let things slide, and those who believe in humanity, kindness, love, charity, hard work, productivity and responsibility. Where do you train for such fight, how can you ensure that you can win your part of the battle. In a word, Karate-do.

We are the West Hills Karate Academy, and we are here for you.

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