The Trouble With USA KARATE, and Karate in OLYMPICS.

Chances are, that by the time you read this post, I've made a lot of people angry. Chances are, those people are the ones in power, and I will be making enemies. Unfortunately, things need to be said, that has not been said in a long time. If you are beginner karate practitioner, this article does not apply to you, and hence, won't make sense to you.

But if you plan to get in to national and international competition, it does. My friends, it's time for everyone to face the music and know what you are dancing too.

Basically, I have been involved with the USAKF (United States Karate Federation), USA-NKF (USA National Karate Federation) and for a short time, USA-Karate. These entities from the latter to the former, have been occupying the ever so coveted (so they have us believe), title of National Governing Body for sport of karate. They pride themselves to be connected to USOC (United States Olympic Committee). A point to grant them legitimacy.

Up the ladder from them is WKF (World Karate Federation), which is recognized by IOC (International Olympic Committee). Here's when the fun begins.

Since I have been involved with the US National mom-and-pop Organizations named above, in 1991 they and the so called International Governing Body have been "attempting" to get karate in to the Olympics. Folks that is scam running for the past 22 years and even longer before that.

Now they have "K-IS COMING 2020" campaign. What A Joke! These puppeteers have been abusing our athletes and our instructors for so long, that anyone who buys in to their story, is either foolish or blind. They have us believe that Karate in Olympics will elevate the art. False! It will fill the coffers of the puppet masters. They have us believe admission to Olympics is essential to the growth of karate. False again! The people running these organization are in it to make money.

And here's the reality. They are milking us dry, and killing karate in the process. Here's why;
  1. The so called NGBs (National Governing Body/Bodies), have made competing so expensive, that it is beyond the average person's reach. The have made it an elite sport, when all the masters who brought it out of Okinawa aimed to make it a public art form and publicly accessible sport. 
  2. The International Governing Bodies/Organization, can't even get their rules together. In the past 22 years that I have kept up with these people, they have done changed the rules over 20 times. At times going back and forth. Ink hasn' dried on new set of rules, when something changes. You would think after 40+ years, there would be some uniformity.
  3. The required equipment keeps changing as well. From cloth guards, to pressed foam, to the new homologated – whichever manufacturer pays the greatest grease-money – super expensive protective gear.
  4. Recently they put date markers on equipment, supposedly to protect athletes from equipment failure. Oh Please! What a joke. Any referee, worth their salt, can spot a bad piece of equipment.
  5. The National Federation and many vendors can't even provide the chest-guard that is now "required."
  6. The membership fees, being excessive, supposedly provide you with "secondary medical coverage." That is if you don't have medical insurance, or your medical insurance doesn't cover you enough. And that is after an iron-clad waiver they have you sign.
  7. The management of the tournament is a joke. You can expect to be called in to staging area, and spend upward of 1-3 hours, before they get you to the ring, and then you have to wait again.
  8. There's a substantial lack of retention and hence, turnover in qualified Judges and referees. Mainly because they have to spend upwards of $3,000.00 dollars per year approximately, give their time voluntarily, and at the end, be lectured and belittled by some of the most technically deficient people, telling them how bad they did. Mind you, some of these people in the referee counsel of these organization, don't have the courage to compete, nor have they ever competed at national, let alone international level. That is a not a joke. Thank goodness, there a few around who if not real competitors, have the knowledge base to balance the equation.
  9. The inability to even put together a proper promotion campaign nationally is another joke. We have World Gold Medalists, but when it comes to put on seminars, the "Federation" invites foreign instructors (oh yes, they are paid a very handsome fee and accommodated, generously). We have coaches that are fantastic, we have international coaches that are fantastic, who would perform and teach, but no! We have to go and get the expensive "masters."
  10. I have yet to see a seminar circuit around the country to promote our elite athletes. Call me crazy, but wouldn't be great idea, to take some of that money that you guys pocket, in the form of travel expenses, and actually put seminars around the country by our elite athletes at nominal fee charge of may be 10-20 dollars per event.
  11. Why should a national referee pay to attend a seminar, which teaches him really nothing, then work his rear-end off for 2-3 days, and be paid nothing, not even his hotel expenses, but the referee counsel, is fully paid for, and they get to fly around the country, charging $500-$1,000 dollars per seminar, and "examination" which buy the way, costs extra. Oh yes, you can have a fancy passport, but that is extra too.
....and I could go on!
There are so many things wrong here, that would boggle the mind. As I said, it is mom and pop (though the parents supposedly change) shop. Now there's also a lot of back-stabbing and extremely ruthless politicking going on as well. Few years ago, I was made a pawn in one of those, against an honorable man. I felt so used, and upset. Hence, I never returned. Just kept my eyes on the circus they call the National Federation.
Another joke are the local organizations, they call "Regional Sports Organization" or something of that sort. Ran by ego-maniacs, who play the gang game so rough, they have burned out many school owners. "If you are not in my gang, you are not worthy" and "If you are in my gang, you can't be in that gang." What a waste of time.
The National plays game regionally. I have seen it in Southern California, and it is sickening. They set one group, against the other. Why? Because there is so much ego, that you can cut it with a knife.
To many kings, not enough land.
A good tournament is so much in need, that when an honorable instructor put together an independent tournament for the youth last year, he was overwhelmed with the response. Kudos to Sensei Akira Fukuda for that. 

Why people support independent tournaments more freely. Because people are sick of the politics and the "my gang game." that is played on them by the National and their patsies at the local organizations. Also, there's a sense of family and the cost is reasonable.
People are looking for an honest game, that won't set them back financially, and is run in an honest, caring environment. To wit, one can see the success of the Nikkei games, which is held annually in August, in Los Angeles.
So my friends here it is. Some of you will spend upwards of $1,000.00 - $1,500 per athlete (no to mention preparatory tournament, private lessons, and family travel and housing costs) to attend the "Nationals" this year, or US Open next year. Is it necessary? No!
Are there better ways to train at international level? Yes!
Do you have to do these tournaments? Not unless you are a brown/black belt, hoping to make a national team pool, and have another $5-10K to take you to international events. Because folks, you are on your own.
K-IS ON THE WAY! Is a scam. If you are in it for martial arts, you don't need karate in Olympics. If you are a competitive athlete, then you don't get my point, and don't understand much of it, and your goals are the next point, next tournament, next medal. And what if you became an International Karate Champion. What is waiting for you after that. What part of the art, have you learned, outside of collecting points and medals. Believe me, you missed a lot of it.
Now that is not to say that competition is bad, but make sure you are not lining the pockets of some people, and are left holding the bag. I am not saying don't go to the National Championships, or don't go to US Open. Go! experience it, know what it is all about, and know a new way. But don't get wrapped up in it.
I like to take a paragraph at the end, and let you know of the few people that I came across, who acted honorably, and with good intent, for the time I have known this scam called USA Karate_____________ (you fill the blank) Organization or WKF.
They are in order of their appearance in the time I was involved with these organization, Morteza Alborzi, Joseph Claycomb, Joe Pledge, Kiyoshi Yamazaki, Toshiatsu Sasaki, Cyrus Madani, Fariba Madani, Cleveland Baxter, Roger Jarrett, The current coaches, starting with Tokey Hill, and a few more, whose name escape me at this time. These people have fulfilled my requirements, of depth and breadth of knowledge and goodwill toward athletes.
Now, open your eyes, and if you decide to go through this route, remember someone told you so!


  1. Yup there will be some people who do not like this... But the TRUTH HURTS doesn't it? Good Read!

  2. All the people you name in your final paragraph are still involved with the federation and 2 of these people you mentioned are on the board of directors of the NGB. From the terminology you used it sounds like you may not have been to a nationals in the last few years, why not give them another chance? And remember as with any volunteer organization or politics in general -- if you don't like something get involved and change it. The K is on the way campaign is not from the United States either it’s on the world level. The push to get Karate in the Olympics is hardly a “scam.” There will be a vote later this year at the Session in Buenos Aires in September. I mean it sounds like your upset but calling the K is on the way worldwide campaign a scam isn’t really accurate either.

    1. Hello and thank you for your comment. Few things to remember. I am involved form the very close proximity. I just refuse to be taken for a ride. I was on that ride from 1992-2008. Enough is enough. I have plenty of knowledge of who is who in that organization, and was there when the USOC, almost wiped it off the map.
      Giving them another chance, requires THEM to make a few efforts on local level. Not expect locals to fend off for themselves, and feed THEM as well.

      Many people who are now sick of hearing anything with USANKF/USAK tried to bring about changes. They ended up tired and disheartened.

      The K campaign is an international effort, I know that. However, it is prelude to a scam. Watch and see how it will turn out. Mark my words.
      Once the money starts to flow, the same thing will happen.

      Now as to the people involved. I found them to be honorable (those that I mentioned). Really worried and concerned about the athlete. I feel sad, that there is no real alternative for them, or people who are true.
