Keeping Your Children Motivated.

In my years as a teacher, I cannot recall ever coming
across a parent who did not love their child. The simple
fact that they enroll their child in a legitimate martial arts
program, is proof enough.
The care and the concern that we
have for our children, is the root of our very existence.
We strive to be good parent, but we are not perfect. We
make mistakes that may affect our children in a negative
way. However, if we are smart enough to learn from our mistakes,
and wise enough to learn from mistakes of others, we
may make it yet.

There are some issues that cause a child to lose motivation
towards their martial arts training, and quit this wonderful
and rewarding activity. All of which can be easily prevented
or remedied. Let’s look at these few issues closely.

1.) Arriving late for class, causes the child to be nervous,
embarrassed, and disoriented. Instead of arriving with
excitement and comfortable state of mind, the student
arrives in a nervous and apologetic mode. They have a hard
time focusing, and feel like they are not able to learn. They
feel guilty, and in time this will lead to desire to quit.
If you are continuously late, the child will interpret that as if
you don’t care. Your children do anything to impress you,
and if you don’t care, they won’t either.
Solution: Arrive 5-10 minutes early. If by some chance you
are late a while, come in with your child, and talk to the
instructor, or call ahead, and take away the concern and
the worry from your child. Do not make a habit of being
late. Timeliness is a strong way of promoting discipline.

2.) Improper uniforms. Karate gi is cut larger to fit comfortably.
If you have a uniform that needs to be tailored, do it
right away. Improper uniform size, hinders the student from
moving freely, and prevents them from learning properly.
This will cause frustration and leads to negativity.

The proper care of the uniform is the first lesson in discipline of karate.
In taking care of our uniform we show respect for ourselves.
Solution: Make sure that their uniform is in perfect size by
the upcoming class. Uniforms and belts are responsibility
of the child after the first TIGER LEVEL test. Up to that
point, you should look after them. After washing the uniforms,
teach and help your child to fold their uniform properly,
and with their belt put it in a specific place. If you
receive a patch or an emblem, have it sewn on the uniform
in its proper place, immediately. In time they will do
these tasks habitually. Show that you care, and your child
will care as well.

3.) Follow the Academy Rules, along with your child. Listen
to what they have to say. Use the Academy Rules and practice
it at home, toward each other. Children pick-up on your
enthusiasm and manners.

4.) Withholding karate lessons as a means of discipline/punishment,
is a true and time-tested method to alienate your child from karate.
Trust me when I tell you, that this will never work. By taking the
academy out of the equation, you take away your most powerful ally.

Solution: Never use Sensei’s name to intimidate a child.
Your child and I have a different level of courtesy and respect.
Fearing me, will only ruin my ability to influence them positively.

As a Sensei, I am here for you and your child. Without proper respect,
there is no inspiration. Without inspiration, the desire to improve will cease.

The academy and I give a positive anchor to the children,
we accentuate the positive, and from that vantage point, we overcome
the negative. Whatever the problem may be, withholding your
child from class is not the solution.

5.) Monetary issues, can always be remedied. Do not interrupt
the training that you or your child need in today’s world,
over monetary issues. There may be ways to continue. Ask!

Also, at times parents forget who is listening. When
children overhear the parents concerns, they too feel responsible,
and at times guilty by coming to Karate, and spending the money
for tuition. This should not be their concern.

Solution: Tuition should be discussed in absolute privacy
Quitting should be the last option.

1 comment:

  1. lovely post and very True in every Word. I hope this reaches as many people as possible...

