And so it seemed that the subject of how we apply ourselves to succeed, came up again. I know that there are many books, articles and opinions written on what makes success possible, and I am not in anyway, trying to do better or outdo anyone. I am Just offering you, what came from my heart, and I hope it works for you.
To me, karate practice is like life. How you approach and conduct yourself during karate, is the same as you live your life. If you are putting half-effort, holding back or lacking in anything, in your karate practice, you lack the exact same thing in achieving your goals in life.
The four main ingredients to succeed in karate and life then, are these:
- Intent
- Aim
- Proper form
- Power
Aim: You must set a goal, right after you declare your intent. A series of small goals, leading to a larger goal, allows for reviews and adjustments.
Proper Form: If the goal is physical (karate, basketball, running, weight loss, etc.) you must prepare in finding out the correct method of execution (punch, kick, free-throw, dribbling, food facts, food consumption, nutrition, etc.) However, if the goal is mental as in academics, self-improvements (confidence, assertiveness, self-esteem), then proper information must be gathered. Both situations require a guide, teacher, coach and yes they are all your – you guessed it, "SENSEI."
Power: We must then apply our power of time allocation, physical power (presence), and mental power (attention and attitude), to apply toward our INTENDED AIMS.
Of all these, INTENT is the key ingredient, that binds all things together. It is INTENT, that keeps you from moving away, or in the wrong direction. It is the mortar, that brings the bricks together. Your coach, guide, guru, Sensei is the hand or the lantern that leads the way.
Karate then, is the perfect environment to test your life-approach. In practicing karate, you examine your SELF. Karate forces you to take in to account your short-comings, and your presents your with your strengthens. It shows you how to chip away at the former, by using the tools of the latter, with guidance from your Sensei.
In this, karate is unique. Thus no other art can match it. Nor can any sport come close to it.
Keep working at it, and let me know how it works for you.